And that’s a wrap! ISE 2023 has drawn to a close, and it might've been the best yet...

The lead up, the excitement, the education, the engagement, the questions (and answers) and the performances have really made this one - even more so after receiving such great feedback from everyone who came and said hello, or sat in on one of our demo’s.
As you can imagine, we have an enormous amount of images from the days, so here’s just a few behind the scenes. Big thank you to the d&b team, White Light Ltd, SFL, Stage Precision GmbH, BlackTrax Real-Time Tracking & MALFMEDIA LIMITED

And a huge thank you to Jacob Karlzon who truly brought Soundscape to life with his incredible performance:

“The piece with the live piano and synced percussive electronic elements was amazing. In fact, that’s what happens when music and well designed and engineered technology combine. Totally immersive experience, thank you”. - Kyriakos, who visited us from Greece and experienced the demo-room.
Until next time!